Custom-built Large Community Safe Rooms

Protect your staff or students in a large community storm shelter from Storm Safe Shelters, OKC

Storm Safe Shelters also builds custom community safe rooms to protect your business' or organizations' most precious asset - it's people. These large safe rooms are designed and built to fit your need, providing a safe haven from the fury of dangerous storms.

As all our storm shelters, our large community shelters are built to withstand an EF-5 tornado and meet or exceed FEMA guidelines. These safe rooms are built with reinforced concrete and can be used for other uses. They feel roomy and comfortable which is important during a storm.

Storm Safe Shelters has been building shelters for Oklahomans since 1987.

Please contact us today to discuss your specific needs and we will share our expertise with you, so you can make an informed choice that's best for your business or organization.

For questions about our custom built community shelters -  Call: (405) 606-2563